Bull's Den

Bull's Den Bull Terrier

Bull Terrier

Résultats d'expositions

monte palancar Baby's on fire aka glloq - TB


monte palancar Baby's on fire aka glloq

12/11/2011 - Leiden Championnat du Neederland Bull Terrier Club NBTC

Juge : Mrs Gaye Branch (UK)

"Well mature, has a pleasant profile, good eye, pleasant neck, nice round bone, good bodylines, lovely topline, wonderful bend of stifle, moved very well. Need more socialization".

Bull's Den Gloria jezabel - 4° place en Babyclass

4° place en Babyclass

Bull's Den Gloria jezabel

12/11/2011 - Leiden Open

Juge : Mrs Gaye Branch

monte palancar Baby's on fire aka glloq - Meilleur puppy mâle - Très prometteur

Meilleur puppy mâle - Très prometteur

monte palancar Baby's on fire aka glloq

2/10/2011 - AVIGNON Spéciale de Race - CACIB

Juge : Mr CEDERLOF (Suède)

"Nice male puppy, head good, length and depth, eye a little big. Exc. neck and topline, for the moment, lightly long in body. Typical angulation, in front and behind. Good bone and substance for the age. Move well".

3° Excellent

Thud and cuddles Don't worry be happy aka diego

2/10/2011 - Avignon CACIB - Spéciale de race

Juge : Mr Cederlof (Suède)

Très Prometteur (super puppy)

Bull's Den Gloria jezabel

1/10/2011 - Avignon RE

Juge : Mr E. Corbinus

RCACIB - CAC - 1° Excellent

Thud and cuddles Don't worry be happy aka diego

20/2/2011 - Fribourg (Suisse) CACIB- CAC

Juge : Mme Z. Petik

RCAC - 2° Excellent

Thud and cuddles Don't worry be happy aka diego

19/2/2011 - Fribourg (Suisse) CACIB - CAC

Juge : Mr T. Himmrich


Thud and cuddles Don't worry be happy aka diego

16/1/2011 - BORDEAUX CACIB


3° Exc.

Thud and cuddles Everlasting flower alias aka 47

16/1/2011 - Bordeaux CACIB